Katherine Koller


Katherine Koller vit à Edmonton, en Alberta, et écrit pour la scène (théâtre, ballet, opéra et danse), pour le cinéma et la radio, ainsi que pour la page (fiction courte et longue).

Her full-length plays concern the pressure of science and technology on family relationships, often with the land or some element of nature playing a character part. Some are set in history to give meaning to present-day events. In her trilogy of Alberta Landworks Plays, Coal Valley: The Making of a Miner was commissioned and produced in Drumheller in 2005 and is included in The Alberta Advantage (Playwrights Canada Press, 2008). The Seed Savers received its premiere at Workshop West Theatre in 2009 and was produced at the Station Arts Centre in Rosthern, Saskatchewan, in 2010, and is in Voices of the Land: The Seed Savers and Other Plays (Athabasca University Press, 2012). About the oil and water of a young marriage during the 1947 Leduc oil discovery, Last Chance Leduc won the 2013 Alberta Playwriting Competition and was a Finalist in the 2015 Herman Voaden National Playwriting Competition. It was produced at Grande Prairie Regional College in 2015 and received its professional premiere at the Backstage Theatre, Fringe Theatre Adventures, May 8-19, 2018, directed by Tracy Carroll.

Les comédies en un acte de Katherine ont été produites au Festival Fringe d'Edmonton, à la radio de la CBC, au Jagged Edge Lunchbox Theatre, au FemFest de Winnipeg, au Alumnae Theatre de Toronto, au SkirtsAfire Festival et au Walterdale Playhouse à Edmonton, et ont été invitées à des festivals au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis. NOUS

Dance projects include story ballets for Citie Ballet (Murder at the Strand, Ariadne’s Gate, Damsels of the Night et Cave Beat) and libretto for Heart of Darkness for Theatre Encounter in Calgary. Short operas for Tapestry New Opera are She is Me, Where is Ava? et Wash the Loss Away. Benton Roark is composer for the chamber opera in development, The Handless Maiden, which received a staged reading in Vancouver at #indieopera in 2019.

Her six-part web documentary, Sustainable Me, about Edmonton youth changing their world, is online at www.sustainablemeyeg.ca. A second season on Water is in development. Other films with Company of Women on the Screen include Taking Flight, SafEdmonton et Getting Out, Getting Safe. Plays for CBC radio include Cowboy Boots and a Corsage et Magpie.

Le premier roman de Katherine, Art Lessons, a été publié par Great Plains en 2016 et a été finaliste pour le Robert Kroestch Edmonton Book Prize et l'Alberta Readers' Choice Award. Ses courtes fictions ont été publiées dans Alberta Views, Grain, Room, Edify et Epiphany, ainsi que dans les anthologies Very Much Alive, Life of Pie et Polish(ed). Winning Chance, son recueil de nouvelles, publié en 2019 par Great Plains, a remporté le prix Exporting Alberta de l'Association des auteurs canadiens et un High Plains Book Award.

Hope Soup, a radio play, was recorded at the Edmonton Fringe in 2019. Riverkeeper was a Finalist in the Jane Chambers Award in 2020 and in the Alberta Playwriting Competition in 2021. Cowgirl Boots and a Mustang (feature film) is in development.

Katherine is also a contributor to Edmonton City as Museum Project (ECAMP) online, an Associate Lecturer in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta, and co-producer of Edmonton’s Script Salon, a monthly play reading series since 2014.

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