OVERVIEW Title: Playing BallComposer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: Marcia JohnsonCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description TabithahighC4-E5Long-estranged daughter of KenKenmiddleF4-A4Father of Tabitha Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View more videos below
OVERVIEW Title: Perfect NightComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Nick CarpenterCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description ManmiddleE3-A4Partner to womanWomanmiddle-highA3-G5Partner to man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano, Organ SYNOPSIS A Woman and Man in bed. Naked.
OVERVIEW Title: OtherworldComposer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: Bobby TheodoreCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Green Child 1highD4-F#5Enchanted childGreen Child 2middle-highD4-D5Enchanted childMiner 1middleC#3-A4A minerMiner 2lowE2-C#4A miner Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording
OVERVIEW Title: Opposites AttractComposer: Iman HabibiLibrettist: Phoebe TsangCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Ericamiddle-highA3-Bb5Coupled with KeithJackiehighE4-G5Coupled with AlexKeithmiddleC#3-A4Coupled with EricaAlexmiddle-lowE3-C#4Coupled with Jackie Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Part 1 Video
OVERVIEW Title: One Night, One BellComposer: Stephen Andrew TaylorLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description WomanhighB3-C6Works as a bell-ringerManmiddle-lowBb2-A4A man, identity unknown Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS In a country
Screaming, Oksana awakens from a nightmare; Father Alexander comes to her and she admits she may have let Natalyia drown to save herself. The Father counsels forgiveness of herself and others, but Oksana is not convinced that is possible.
Father Alexander discovers the distress call was a set by Konstantin, but Dima decides he can’t beat up a priest and lets Father Alexander go back to Brindisi where Konstantin is.
Sofiya goes to Asa to have her cards read for news of Oksana. The police will not treat Oksana’s disappearance as crime, as she went with the men willingly. The cards say Oksana has been robbed of her soul.
OVERVIEW Title: Noor Over AfghanComposer: Christiaan VenterLibrettist: Anusree RoyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 39Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description NoorhighC4-C6Afghani woman, sister to JaanJaanmiddle-highB3-F5Afghani woman, sister to NoorRafiquemiddleD3-B4Jaan's husband-to-bePriestmiddle-lowG2-Eb4A PriestChorushighSSAChorus Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano
The 1947 Partition of India forces two children to say goodbye. One departs for Pakistan, leaving her pet rabbit and childhood treasures with her friend.
OVERVIEW Title: Nigredo HotelComposer: Nic GothamLibrettist: Ann-Marie MacDonaldCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry Opera and Tarragon TheatreRun Time: 58Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SophiehighA3-C6A monstrous concierge who runs the hotelRaymondmiddle-lowA2-A4A neurosurgeon, a man of science who has lost his soul Please Note: The table above has content that
OVERVIEW Title: Naila and LoloComposer: Elisabeth Mehl GreeneLibrettist: Anusree RoyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Opera on Tap DC MetroRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description NailahighF4-Ab5A young girlLolomiddle-highF3-G4Her best friend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Partition
Westerner Jackie and sherpa Pasang summit Everest without using oxygen cannisters. Soon their victory turns into a culture clash as they argue about their affair and the mountain, and slowly die of hypoxia.
OVERVIEW Title: Mother EverestComposer: Abigail RichardsonLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 17Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Jackiemiddle-highAb3-G5A womanPasangmiddle-lowA2-F#4Her sherpa Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Clarinet in Bb, Percussion, Piano, Violin, Cello SYNOPSIS Content warning: death Just
OVERVIEW Title: TAP:EX MetallurgyComposers: Ivan Barbotin, Jonah Falco, Mike HaliechukLibrettist: David James BrockCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description ManmiddleRomantically involved with womanWomanmiddle-highRomantically involved with man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Percussion, Synthesizer, Lead Guitar, Rhythm
OVERVIEW Title: Merk’s DreamComposer: Elisabeth Mehl GreeneLibrettist: Nick CarpenterCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Old MerkmiddleD3-Gb4A dying manPaulinemiddle-highD4-A5His daughter Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: death, ableism Old
OVERVIEW Title: Man With the X-Ray EyesComposer: Chris ThornborrowLibrettist: Morris PanychCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description James XaviermiddleC3-Bb4A well-built handsome man of about fortySammiddle-lowD#3-E4His colleague, also a doctor, olderDianesilent-spokensilentDr. Xavier's assistant and friend Please Note: The table above has
M’dea tries once more to get Jason to stay with her, but he believes he will never forget his war crimes if she is in his life. M’dea eventually agrees to go back to her country.
CAST: Peter Barrett, James McLean, Jacqueline Woodley | PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia Katz View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: M’dea UndoneComposer: John HarrisLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 64Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description M'deamiddle-highC4-F#5A woman from a land far awayJasonmiddle-lowD3-F#4M'dea's husband, holds
OVERVIEW Title: Love ReduxComposer: Benjamin PesetskyLibrettist: Hannah MoscovitchCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Helenmiddle-highC4-E5Based on Helen of TroyParismiddleB2-G#4Based on Paris, son of King Priam Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS
OVERVIEW Title: Lost and FoundComposer: Elisabeth Mehl GreeneLibrettist: Sharon BajerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 3Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Shemiddle-highB3-F5A lost travelerHemiddleD3-A4A lost traveler Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Lost and Found is
Lisa is devastated to get 9 out of 10 on her math test. She insists that she answered the question correctly, and pleads with Mr. Herwin to change her grade. Mr. Herwin says that her “45” looked like a “43”, and that everyone makes mistakes.
OVERVIEW Title: Little Miss All CanadianComposer: Lembit BeecherLibrettist: Liza BalkanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Eunice RosehighC4-C6A mother of a pageant competitorSamanthamiddle-highC4-D5An audience member Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS
OVERVIEW Title: LisaComposer: Omar DanielLibrettist: Alex Poch-GoldinCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Lisamiddle-highF2-Ab5A 12-year-old studentMr. HerwinmiddleA2-C#5A math teacher, recently widowed Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Clarinet in Bb, Percussion, Harp, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
OVERVIEW Title: LeavingComposer: Darren JLibrettist: Sharon BajerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SimonehighD4-Bb5A woman battling postpartum depressionMarcmiddle-lowE3-F4Her husband Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: mental illness Simone has
While she is bathing in a stream, Nichol disovers Lai Gwan is a woman – she asks for his help to find her father and to keep her secret. Manli interrupts them before Nichol decides what to do.
Before dying, Ama tells Lai Gwan of her father, gives her a wedding dress, and urges her to go to North America to find her father – but always remember Chinese traditions.
OVERVIEW Title: Insomnia CompositionComposer: Iman HabibiLibrettist: Maja ArdalCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Composermiddle-lowBb2-F#4A composerLibrettistmiddle-highB3-G#5A librettist Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS At 4 a.m., a composer stands looking out the window,
At 4 a.m., a composer stands looking out the window, his tools nearby. Across town, a librettist is doing the same. Both are just slightly panicking about their latest work: an opera about a dog named Harley.
CAST: Zhu Ge Zeng and Chorus | PHOTO CREDIT: Cylla von TiedemanCAST: Zhu Ge Zeng and Zheng Zhou | PHOTO CREDIT: Michael CooperCAST: Zhu Ge Zeng and Grace Chan | PHOTO CREDIT: Cylla von Tiedeman View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: Iron RoadComposer: Ka Nin ChanLibrettist: Mark
OVERVIEW Title: In This World, George is HeartbrokenComposer: Lembit BeecherLibrettist: Hannah MoscovitchCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 6Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Marthamiddle-highA#3-F#-5A wifeGeorgemiddle-lowG2-G4Her husband Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano (prepared) SYNOPSIS Content warning: verbal
OVERVIEW Title: Ice TimeComposer: Ka Nin ChanLibrettist: Mark BrownellCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 18Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SkaterhighC#4-A5An ice skaterCoachmiddle-highA3-G5Her coach Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Clarinet in Bb, Percussion, Piano, Violin, Cello SYNOPSIS The scene
OVERVIEW Title: Ice CreamComposer: Benton RoarkLibrettist: Liza BalkanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Janemiddle-highmiddle of performer's range/B3-D#4A motherChrismiddlemiddle of performer's range/D#3-D#4Her son Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Percussion, Piano SYNOPSIS Content
OVERVIEW Title: Hotel LobbyComposer: Gareth WilliamsLibrettist: Maja ArdalCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description ElliotmiddleG2-C5Amanda's ex-partnerAmandahighEb4-Bb5Elliot's ex-partner Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Two exes, each with their new partner, run into each
Mindy tries to understand if she was raped at the party. She can’t make herself contact anyone, but seeks information online; Cindy slips a morning after pill under the door.
Cindy and Mindy eye potential hook-ups for Mindy. Tyler arrives with Heather. Mindy’s livid, and Cindy reminds her not to do anything crazy. Mindy’s response is to commit to the idea of hooking up with someone at the party.
Mindy plugs in her phone, which died at the party. It comes alive with a constant stream of texts from Tyler and Cindy from the night before, who were both worried about her. Mindy rushes to the bathroom to throw up.
Mindy confronts Tyler about his “study partner” and accuses him of lying to her, which Tyler denies. Mindy makes a sudden decision: she wants a time-out, and thinks they should see other people. Tyler leaves, confused and devastated.
Cindy and Mindy get into constumes and pre-drink for the Halloween Kegger. Cindy teases Mindy for her lack of sexual adventurousness and gives her “the rules of the hook up” just in case…
Cindy and Mindy are kicked out of class for causing a disturbance. Mindy comes clean about having asked for a private room behind Cindy’s back. The two reconcile and agree to hang out (without Tyler) that night.
Tyler is bored. Mindy worries they’re becoming their parents, and wants to spice things up. Tyler suggests watching porn together, which only makes things more awkward.
OVERVIEW Title: Harper’s FloeComposer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: Charles HayterCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description HarpermiddleB2-B4Prime MinisterMr. ValernikovhighD4-G5A Russian Seal Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS A historical reenactment: Prime Minister Stephen Harper sets
OVERVIEW Title: GuitarComposer: Elisabeth Mehl GreeneLibrettist: Norman YeungCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description JosiehighC4-G5Singer-songwriter, lives in PortlandDelmiddle-lowC3-Eb4Josie's boyfriend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Singer-songwriter Josie works on a song
OVERVIEW Title: Gotcha!Composer: Darren FungLibrettist: Betty-Jane WylieCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 15Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Eileenmiddle-highA3-A5Adam's long-lost motherAdammiddleD3-A4Adam Perry, late 20s, a construction worker Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS It’s “gotcha day”
CAST: Neema Bickersteth & Ryan AllenCAST: Catharin Carew View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: Get StuffedComposer: Richard PayneLibrettist: Alexis DiamondCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 35Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Zachmiddle-lowF2-F#4A student learning about healthy food.Cafeteria Workermiddle-highG3-G5Hates children, but loves her tidy cafeteria.ChefhighD4-C6Young
An interrogator turns his lurid eyes on an imprisoned female activist. Purposefully misunderstanding her movements as seduction, he convinces himself of something horrid.
A cleric prepares for confessional. Someone enters the booth. The cleric realizes it’s a man with whom he shared a mutual attraction. The man has recently finished gay conversion therapy and wishes to resume some kind of a relationship.
The Child is bored. She reads several books in an effort to learn all the things she shouldn’t do, say, feel, or see. Lucifer simply asks her why, attempting to get her attention on him instead of books. She finds a name, Iblis, and taunts him.
Lucifer jangles an entrancing key in front of the Child and a young boy. This key promises to open the gates of heaven, but the boy has his own doubts about that. Nevertheless, he zips up his vest…