OVERVIEW Title: YESComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Sheldon RosenCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Markmiddle-lowE3-F4A divorced fatherMaryannemiddle-highA3-G5A proud mother, Mark's friendBobmiddle-lowD3-E4Mark's friendKennymiddleF3-A4Dating Mark's ex-girlfriend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Mark stands
OVERVIEW Title: Molly’s VeilComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Sharon BajerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 7Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Charlottemiddle-highA3-E5Margaret's sisterMargarethighD4-A5Charlotte's sister Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: illness, death Charlotte works to prepare
OVERVIEW Title: The Defining MomentComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Norman YeungCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Elliotmiddle-lowG#2-F4A politicianMargaretmiddle-highC4-Gb5His mistress Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: infidelity An ambitious politician gleefully
OVERVIEW Title: The Last LullabyComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Anusree RoyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 6Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Young womanhighD4-A5A young mother with her babyOfficermiddle-lowD3-Eb4A military officer Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content
A sister and brother go through the belongings of their recently departed mother and find an old snow globe from their youth. They both really want to keep it. A bitter fight ensues and the sister inadvertently blurts out a very painful secret.
A boy and his mother make up ways of killing an unnamed woman. When the game is over, the boy asks what would happen if they killed the woman “for real,” if it would make his father love them again.
OVERVIEW Title: The Waterfall (LIBLAB)Composer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: Maja ArdalCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Womanmiddle-highA3-Ab5A woman fleeing pursuers with her husband and babyMan/Waterfallmiddle-lowAb2-Eb4The woman's husbandWaterfallhighC4-Eb5The voice of a waterfallWaterfallmiddleE3-Eb4The voice of a waterfall Please Note: The table above has content that
Chloe and Eddie are in the throes of love when they’re interrupted by Matt, Chloe’s athlete ex-husband. Matt asks where their daughter Ava is, and criticizes Chloe for abandoning Ava for a man.
OVERVIEW Title: You and MemeComposer: Dean BurryLibrettist: Nicolas BillonCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description GinahighE4-G5A womanGerrymiddleF3-G4A man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS An awkward first date seems destined for
OVERVIEW Title: Where is AvaComposer: Ivan BarbotinLibrettist: Katherine KollerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description EddiemiddleE3-G4A man, in love with ChloeMattmiddle-lowF2-D4Chloe's athlete ex-husbandChloemiddle-highB3-G5A woman, in love with Eddie Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano
An intersex woman wins a gold medal, but her struggles to get there mean nothing to the organization and the other athletes. She’s disqualified and shamed.
OVERVIEW Title: What is She?Composer: John HarrisLibrettist: Anna ChattertonCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 6Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description RunnerhighD4-B5A runnerDoctor 1middleB2-B4A doctorDoctor 2middle-lowB2-G4A doctor Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right. SYNOPSIS A meditation on the discrimination
OVERVIEW Title: The Handless Maiden: Scene 8 (Wash the Loss)Composer: Benton RoarkLibrettist: Katherine KollerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description MadonnahighE4-B5A girlGardenermiddleD3-G#4A gardenerChorusmiddle-highA3-F#5ChorusChorusmiddleE3-C5ChorusChoruslowA2-D4Chorus Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Based on
OVERVIEW Title: UnfamiliarComposer: Darren FungLibrettist: Dave DeveauCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Laurenmiddle-highC4-D5A girl Jamie is interested inJamiemiddleF#3-A4A boyStevemiddle-lowC3-F#4His friend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: black-out drinking A night out celebrating
Two sisters are outside by the river talking. One sister describes the boy she hopes to be with, and the other sister admits that she is pregnant with his baby. Jealousy is a deadly emotion.
On the first warm spring day in the mountains, Olaf, a rich farmer, proposes to Runa, a poor farmer, only to discover that she is in love with the bandit Davith. Angered by this, Olaf burns down Runa’s farm, and Runa escapes up the mountain searching for Davith.
OVERVIEW Title: Two SistersComposer: Benton RoarkLibrettist: Lila PalmerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Helenmiddle-highG3-B5A pregnant woman, Diana's sisterDianahighC4-B5A girl in love, Helen's sister Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording
OVERVIEW Title: The WaterfallComposer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: Maja ArdalCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description The WaterfallhighB3-A5SATB ChorusThe Waterfallmiddle-highB3-E5SATB ChorusThe WaterfallmiddleB2-A4SATB ChorusThe WaterfallhighG2-E4SATB Chorus Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning:
OVERVIEW Title: The TelegramComposer: Gareth WilliamsLibrettist: Bernard MacLavertyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Woman 1highEb4-Bb5A womanWoman 2middle-highBb3-F#5A womanTown Eldersilent-spokensilentA middle-aged man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: death, war During
OVERVIEW Title: The SermonComposer: John HarrisLibrettist: Bernard MacLavertyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description BoymiddleBb2-C#5A boyPriestmiddle-lowE2-F4The priestWoman 1silent-spokensilentWoman in congregationWoman 2silent-spokensilentWoman in congregation Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS A boy is sitting
OVERVIEW Title: The Rape of ArtemisiaComposer: Ivan BarbotinLibrettist: Hannah MoscovitchCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Artemisiamiddle-highE4-B517th-century painter Artemisia GentileschiTassimiddle-lowB#2-E4Her rapist and instructor Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: sexual violence
OVERVIEW Title: The LeavingComposer: Stephen Andrew TaylorLibrettist: Bernard MacLavertyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SebastianmiddleE3-A4A religious brother, in his late 20sBenedictmiddle-lowG#2-F#4A religious brother, in his late 60s Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano
OVERVIEW Title: The Last LifeComposer: Katya PineLibrettist: Sharon BajerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 6Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description FarmermiddleC3-B4FarmerCowmiddle-lowG2-Ab4A brown cow Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS A farmer lovingly takes care of his
OVERVIEW Title: The Drawing ClassComposer: Christiaan VenterLibrettist: Sheldon RosenCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description StudenthighF#4-F#5A studentTeachermiddle-highB3-C5A teacher Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: war, the Holocaust, concentration camp As soldiers
OVERVIEW Title: The Golden BoyComposer: Darren JLibrettist: Anusree RoyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Mamamiddle-highC4-G5MotherSonhighE4-G#5Son Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS The scene is divided into two sections: a tense
OVERVIEW Title: The Call of the LightComposer: Iman HabibiLibrettist: Bobby TheodoreCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description LortiemiddleG#2-F#4Canadian Forces corporalChorushighF#4-C#5VictimChorusmiddle-highE4-B4VictimChorusmiddle-lowA3-D#4Victim Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View more videos below
OVERVIEW Title: Tea at ThreeComposer: Katya PineLibrettist: Sheldon RosenCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 7Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description AlliehighF4-B5A womanKarenmiddle-highA3-F5Allie's deceased best friend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Late at night, Allie receives
OVERVIEW Title: Snow GlobeComposer: Ian CussonLibrettist: Colleen MurphyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 6Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SharonhighBb3-Bb5SisterMattmiddle-lowEb3-Gb4Brother Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View more videos below - click here SYNOPSIS A
OVERVIEW Title: Sleep, SleepComposer: John HarrisLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description MotherhighA3-C#6MotherBoymiddleG2-G4Son Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS A woman and her grown son are leaving their home. It’s time
Waking early, Agnieska admires her new lover Sumana as she is sleeping. When Sumana wakes, the couple share an intimate conversation and eventually descend into fits of laughter.
Agnieska and Sumana share an intimate night together after meeting in a bar. Memories of past lovers almost make Agnieska give up on this new love, but Sumana convinces her to hold on to hope.
OVERVIEW Title: She Sees Her LoverComposer: Craig GalbraithLibrettist: Leanna BrodieCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 17Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Sumanamiddle-highC4-G#5A young womanAgnieskahighC4-Bb5A young woman Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Bass Clarinet, Percussion, Vibraphone, Piano, Violin,
OVERVIEW Title: She is MeComposer: Lembit BeecherLibrettist: Katherine KollerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description JannahighBb3-G5A womanGrandpamiddle-lowG2-A4Her grandpa Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: fire, death Janna and her grandpa are
OVERVIEW Title: RosaComposer: James RolfeLibrettist: Camyar ChaiCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 12Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description IsabellehighE4-C6A grieving mother, Hector's partnerHectormiddleE3-A4Isabelle's partner Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Clarinet in Bb, Piano, Marimba, Violin, Cello SYNOPSIS
OVERVIEW Title: RipComposer: Gareth WilliamsLibrettist: Anna ChattertonCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description CarlahighA3-C6Recently divorced from PeterPetermiddle-lowA2-A4Recently divorced from Carla Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS The piece opens in the middle of
OVERVIEW Title: RestorationComposer: Gareth WilliamsLibrettist: Michael PollardCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Blockamiddle-highG#3-Gb4A woman being examined by doctors Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS A woman is being examined by various doctors.
OVERVIEW Title: PursuitComposer: Iman HabibiLibrettist: Jessica Murphy MooCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description BaristahighD4-C#6Female barista, clearly agitatedManmiddleB3-A4A man, customer at the cafe Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View
OVERVIEW Title: Playing BallComposer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: Marcia JohnsonCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description TabithahighC4-E5Long-estranged daughter of KenKenmiddleF4-A4Father of Tabitha Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View more videos below
OVERVIEW Title: Perfect NightComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Nick CarpenterCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description ManmiddleE3-A4Partner to womanWomanmiddle-highA3-G5Partner to man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano, Organ SYNOPSIS A Woman and Man in bed. Naked.
OVERVIEW Title: OublietteComposer: Ivan BarbotinLibrettist: Donna-Michelle St. BernardCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Lauramiddle-highC4-Ab5A newly escaped captive Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View more videos below - click
OVERVIEW Title: One Night, One BellComposer: Stephen Andrew TaylorLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description WomanhighB3-C6Works as a bell-ringerManmiddle-lowBb2-A4A man, identity unknown Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS In a country
The 1947 Partition of India forces two children to say goodbye. One departs for Pakistan, leaving her pet rabbit and childhood treasures with her friend.
OVERVIEW Title: Naila and LoloComposer: Elisabeth Mehl GreeneLibrettist: Anusree RoyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Opera on Tap DC MetroRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description NailahighF4-Ab5A young girlLolomiddle-highF3-G4Her best friend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Partition
Stephanie is getting ready to go out on a date, but she begins to unravel when she checks herself in the mirror. The voices she hears in her head are variations of her own critical voice. She sees herself the way she imagines her date will see her.
OVERVIEW Title: My Eyes are Bright and SparklyComposer: Rene OrthLibrettist: Colleen MurphyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 6Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Stephaniemiddle-highAb3-C6A young woman preparing for a dateVoice 1highB3-B5The voices inside her headVoice 2middleC2-B4The voices inside her headVoice 3middle-lowAb2-C4The voices inside her head
OVERVIEW Title: MousetrapComposer: Rene OrthLibrettist: Lila PalmerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Mouse 1highC#4-B6A mouseMouse 2middleD#3-A4A mouseController/Squirrelmiddle-lowAb2-Ab3A squirrel Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View more videos below -
OVERVIEW Title: Morning PrayersComposer: Afarin MansouriLibrettist: Jessica Murphy MooCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 7Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description TenormiddleG2-G4An Iranian man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View more videos below - click
OVERVIEW Title: Merk’s DreamComposer: Elisabeth Mehl GreeneLibrettist: Nick CarpenterCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Old MerkmiddleD3-Gb4A dying manPaulinemiddle-highD4-A5His daughter Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: death, ableism Old
OVERVIEW Title: Man With the X-Ray EyesComposer: Chris ThornborrowLibrettist: Morris PanychCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description James XaviermiddleC3-Bb4A well-built handsome man of about fortySammiddle-lowD#3-E4His colleague, also a doctor, olderDianesilent-spokensilentDr. Xavier's assistant and friend Please Note: The table above has
OVERVIEW Title: Man in AvalancheComposer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: David James BrockCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description WomanhighD#4-C6The man's wifeMountainmiddle-highC#4-Bb5DeathManmiddle-lowAb2-Bb4A man trapped and encased by an avalanche Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content
OVERVIEW Title: Love ReduxComposer: Benjamin PesetskyLibrettist: Hannah MoscovitchCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Helenmiddle-highC4-E5Based on Helen of TroyParismiddleB2-G#4Based on Paris, son of King Priam Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS
OVERVIEW Title: Lost and FoundComposer: Elisabeth Mehl GreeneLibrettist: Sharon BajerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 3Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Shemiddle-highB3-F5A lost travelerHemiddleD3-A4A lost traveler Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Lost and Found is
OVERVIEW Title: Little Miss All CanadianComposer: Lembit BeecherLibrettist: Liza BalkanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Eunice RosehighC4-C6A mother of a pageant competitorSamanthamiddle-highC4-D5An audience member Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS
OVERVIEW Title: LeavingComposer: Darren JLibrettist: Sharon BajerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SimonehighD4-Bb5A woman battling postpartum depressionMarcmiddle-lowE3-F4Her husband Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: mental illness Simone has
OVERVIEW Title: Insomnia CompositionComposer: Iman HabibiLibrettist: Maja ArdalCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Composermiddle-lowBb2-F#4A composerLibrettistmiddle-highB3-G#5A librettist Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS At 4 a.m., a composer stands looking out the window,
At 4 a.m., a composer stands looking out the window, his tools nearby. Across town, a librettist is doing the same. Both are just slightly panicking about their latest work: an opera about a dog named Harley.
OVERVIEW Title: In This World, George is HeartbrokenComposer: Lembit BeecherLibrettist: Hannah MoscovitchCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 6Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Marthamiddle-highA#3-F#-5A wifeGeorgemiddle-lowG2-G4Her husband Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano (prepared) SYNOPSIS Content warning: verbal
OVERVIEW Title: Ice CreamComposer: Benton RoarkLibrettist: Liza BalkanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Janemiddle-highmiddle of performer's range/B3-D#4A motherChrismiddlemiddle of performer's range/D#3-D#4Her son Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Percussion, Piano SYNOPSIS Content
OVERVIEW Title: Hydrophis ExpeditionComposer: Benton RoarkLibrettist: Colleen MurphyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 10Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Controllersilent-spokenspokenThe voice of the controllerBenmiddleB2-B4A scientistMarleyhighB3-G5A scientistSerpentmiddle-highA3-E5A creature of the sea Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano, Organ