CAST: Dawn Bailey, Vania Chan, Sean Clark, Alexander Dobson, Larissa Koniuk, David Roth, Zorana Sadiq, and Jennifer TavernerCAST: Dawn Bailey, Sean Clark, Alexander Dobson, Larissa Koniuk, David Roth, Zorana Sadiq, and Jennifer TavernerCAST: Dawn Bailey View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: Airline IcarusComposer: Brian CurrentLibrettist: Anton PiatigorskyCommissioned
OVERVIEW Title: The Handless Maiden: Scene 8 (Wash the Loss)Composer: Benton RoarkLibrettist: Katherine KollerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description MadonnahighE4-B5A girlGardenermiddleD3-G#4A gardenerChorusmiddle-highA3-F#5ChorusChorusmiddleE3-C5ChorusChoruslowA2-D4Chorus Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Based on
OVERVIEW Title: Still the NightComposer: John AlcornLibrettist: Theresa TovaLanguage: EnglishRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Bryna/TybelehighA young Jewish Polish girl, escaped from the NazisLittle BrynahighBryna's younger cousin Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Percussion, Violin, Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: antisemitism, genocide, Holocaust,
James and Sydney start their journey. Sydney remembers being young and playing in the forest with her friend Penny. One day, they are both captured, and the family herd is shot.
OVERVIEW Title: Sanctuary SongComposer: Abigail RichardsonLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Theatre Direct Canada and Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Theatre Direct Canada and Tapestry OperaRun Time: 45Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Jamesmiddle-lowA2-F4Sydney's keeper of 22 yearsSydneyhighDb4-Bb5An Asian elephant poached at a young ageActor/Moversilent-spokenspokenVarious rolesActor/Moversilent-spokenspokenVarious roles Please Note: The table above has
On the eve of Oksana’s departure, Father Alexander has to go to pick up another woman in distress. He leaves his knife with Oksana because she is afraid Konstantin will show up. Lyuba and Oksana say their goodbyes.
Pavlo reads Oksana’s letter to her parents telling them she’ll be home on November 8, her birthday. They are thrilled, and get carried away planning a party for her.
Father Alexander and Oksana realize they share an attraction for each other, but Oksana is determined to go home and tell her parents what has happened. Konstantin phones the refuge to get Oksana back.
Screaming, Oksana awakens from a nightmare; Father Alexander comes to her and she admits she may have let Natalyia drown to save herself. The Father counsels forgiveness of herself and others, but Oksana is not convinced that is possible.
On the Albanian coast the women captives wait for the boat to Italy. Oksana is still defiant, trying to figure out an escape for herself and others. The boat and Konstantin arrive, and Oksana fails to convince him to free her and Natalyia.
In Greece at a bar, three women are held captive: Konstantin sends Lyubia with a businessman, Natalyia with the Immigration officer who cuts her, and Oksana is bought by Konstantin at auction. Konstantin then offers to the crowd a gang rape just as the police arrive to raid the bar.
The 1947 Partition of India forces two children to say goodbye. One departs for Pakistan, leaving her pet rabbit and childhood treasures with her friend.
OVERVIEW Title: Naila and LoloComposer: Elisabeth Mehl GreeneLibrettist: Anusree RoyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Opera on Tap DC MetroRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description NailahighF4-Ab5A young girlLolomiddle-highF3-G4Her best friend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Partition