CAST: Dawn Bailey, Vania Chan, Sean Clark, Alexander Dobson, Larissa Koniuk, David Roth, Zorana Sadiq, and Jennifer TavernerCAST: Dawn Bailey, Sean Clark, Alexander Dobson, Larissa Koniuk, David Roth, Zorana Sadiq, and Jennifer TavernerCAST: Dawn Bailey View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: Airline IcarusComposer: Brian CurrentLibrettist: Anton PiatigorskyCommissioned
Ford and Phillips celebrate while Robertson is chagrined and depressed by his failure to get the contract. Amalia finally finds the screwdriver aisle in the store.
In the afterlife, Henry Ford invites Robertson to present his screwdriver. Ford is rapturously impressed, and offers Roberston a deal – but with the catch that Ford would then own the rights to his invention (as Ford puts it, he demands “complete submission”). Phillips reveals himself and makes a sales
Robertson demonstrates the new “automatic spiral ratchet spring-loaded screw driver,” affectionately called the “Yankee.” The demonstration is cut short when the driver slips off the single slot screw, injuring Robertson’s hand.
OVERVIEW Title: The Perfect ScrewComposer: Abigail RichardsonLibrettist: Alexis DiamondCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 40Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description P. L. Robertsonmiddle-lowG2-Bb4Inventor of the Canadian ScrewAmaliahighBb3-D5Modern-day woman, building furniturePhillipsmiddleC3-D5Inventor of the American ScrewHenry Fordmiddle-highG3-F#5Founder of Ford Motor Please Note: The table above has content
Akakiy gets caught in rush hour and arrives late to find the head the department telling a sad story about encountering a homeless vagrant. Annoyed at being interrupted, the head of the department grills Akakiy on his little notebook of numbers. Akakiy explains he was using it to find ways
Petrovich declares Akakiy’s coat is completely unfixable, but also that this is the chance for Akakiy to choose something new. Of course, he’ll have to pay.
The Vagabond Theatrical Troupe presents! Jeremiah gives George an ultimatum but has to prove himself first in more ways than one, and all is wrapped up in the finest paper package.
Eurydice C is shown her Elysium with Orpheus in the garden – she is not sure she wants him there, but it fades before she can decide. The CEO brings her back to reality and closes the presentation.
Eurydice C remembers different versions of her lover in an Arioso, Bourrée, and Passacaglia. She questions what might have been, before Calliope calls her back to the present.
Eurydice volunteers to test new A.I. technology that promises to capture your most vivid memories and curate your perfect virtual afterlife. Lab techs hand out eye masks to the audience.