OVERVIEW Title: YESComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Sheldon RosenCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Markmiddle-lowE3-F4A divorced fatherMaryannemiddle-highA3-G5A proud mother, Mark's friendBobmiddle-lowD3-E4Mark's friendKennymiddleF3-A4Dating Mark's ex-girlfriend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Mark stands
OVERVIEW Title: Sooner Than LaterComposer: Cecilia LivingstonLibrettist: David YeeCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Soonmiddle-lowA2-G4A fatherLatemiddleC3-E4His adult son Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: gun violence, strong language, terminal illness, attempted assisted suicide A
A boy and his mother make up ways of killing an unnamed woman. When the game is over, the boy asks what would happen if they killed the woman “for real,” if it would make his father love them again.
Paul is being interviewed about his missing parents. Is Paul a suspect? Is the interrogator a police officer or a psychiatrist? Who were the people who were in his parents’ house when Paul returned from his trip? All is not as it seems.
Paul begs his rocking horse for more luck for the Derby. Ava decides Paul’s been too agitated lately, and the distance between them grows wider. Ava leaves his room and bemoans Paul’s lack of understanding. She deserves luxury now and then, and Paul robs her of comfort. As if on
CAST: Rebecca Cuddy | PHOTO CREDIT: Stephen BellCAST: Rebecca Gray and Hillary Jean Young | PHOTO CREDIT: Stephen BellCAST: Hillary Jean Young | PHOTO CREDIT: Stephen Bell View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: Medusa’s ChildrenComposer: Colin McMahonLibrettist: Charlie PetchCommissioned By: OperaQLanguage: EnglishProducer: OperaQRun Time: 50Roles: Role Voice
OVERVIEW Title: The TelegramComposer: Gareth WilliamsLibrettist: Bernard MacLavertyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Woman 1highEb4-Bb5A womanWoman 2middle-highBb3-F#5A womanTown Eldersilent-spokensilentA middle-aged man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: death, war During
OVERVIEW Title: The LeavingComposer: Stephen Andrew TaylorLibrettist: Bernard MacLavertyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SebastianmiddleE3-A4A religious brother, in his late 20sBenedictmiddle-lowG#2-F#4A religious brother, in his late 60s Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano
OVERVIEW Title: Sleep, SleepComposer: John HarrisLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description MotherhighA3-C#6MotherBoymiddleG2-G4Son Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS A woman and her grown son are leaving their home. It’s time
The last ride has left Paul gravely ill. Oscar and Bassett tell him they bet it all, and they’re set for life. Paul asks his mother if she’ll finally be happy- finally smile. She does, but as they leave his room to celebrate, Paul hears the house whisper. There must
The predictions keep coming true, and the money keeps coming. The money gets spent, and Paul keeps riding. All the while the house is getting filled with finery. But it keeps singing. There must be more, but Paul’s luck falters as his energy wanes.
Paul asks his mother why she always sings sad songs and if she knows anything happier. Ava rebukes him. She expresses profound regret for the stupidity and vanity of her youth. The world only smiles for the young, she says. Paul hopes she’ll smile for her birthday tomorrow, but she
Paul tells Oscar he hopes the winnings will stop the house from singing. Paul hears “her” sing of how there’s never enough, how there must be more. He makes Oscar promise not to tell his mother about where the money comes from; it might ruin the luck. Oscar tells him
Uncle Oscar enters, having heard the noise, and asks Paul what’s going on. Paul reveals his secret: the rocking horse is lucky, and tells him the names of race horses. Oscar calls in Paul’s caretaker, Bassett, who admits that Paul tells him the names of winning race horses. The three
Paul creeps upstairs and rides his rocking horse, asking it to take him to where luck is. He rides faster and faster and at the peak, shouts a name: Daffodil.
Paul is curious about why he and his mother don’t have a car, and Ava explains it’s because they’re poor. Paul again asks why that’s so, and Ava states it’s because his father has no luck. Paul announces that he is lucky.
CAST: Asitha Tennekoon | PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia KatzCAST: Peter McGillivray, Asitha Tennekoon, Keith KlassenCAST: Carla Huhtanen View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: Rocking Horse WinnerComposer: Gareth WilliamsLibrettist: Anna ChattertonCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera and Scottish OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 75Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description AvahighA#3-Bb5Paul's
OVERVIEW Title: Nigredo HotelComposer: Nic GothamLibrettist: Ann-Marie MacDonaldCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry Opera and Tarragon TheatreRun Time: 58Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SophiehighA3-C6A monstrous concierge who runs the hotelRaymondmiddle-lowA2-A4A neurosurgeon, a man of science who has lost his soul Please Note: The table above has content that
OVERVIEW Title: My Mother’s RingComposer: Stephen Andrew TaylorLibrettist: Marcia JohnsonCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 12Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description JuliahighD4-B5Paul's momHaroldmiddle-lowB2-F#4Paul's dadDoctormiddle-highAb3-E5The doctorPaulmiddleE3-Bb4A young man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Clarinet in Bb, Percussion, Piano,
Pursued by Jason and the guards, M’dea and Chase climb a cliff by the ocean. When they reach the top, they play a version of their make-believe game, and jump off.
M’dea has a breakdown and brings Chase to the fountain at Jason and Dahlia’s, where she sees the ghost of her mother. She is discovered by Jason and Dahlia, and a fight ensues.
The President invites Jason to be his running mate, and begins to remake him. This process sidelines M’dea and Chase. Dahlia and Jason are attracted to one other.
CAST: Peter Barrett, James McLean, Jacqueline Woodley | PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia Katz View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: M’dea UndoneComposer: John HarrisLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 64Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description M'deamiddle-highC4-F#5A woman from a land far awayJasonmiddle-lowD3-F#4M'dea's husband, holds
OVERVIEW Title: Ice CreamComposer: Benton RoarkLibrettist: Liza BalkanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Janemiddle-highmiddle of performer's range/B3-D#4A motherChrismiddlemiddle of performer's range/D#3-D#4Her son Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Percussion, Piano SYNOPSIS Content
A dying father and his son drink their last bowl of water. They need oil for the machines that will keep them alive and purify their water. A truck rolls past with a huge barrel of oil in the back. The son flags it down, only to discover the person
OVERVIEW Title: Black BloodComposer: Christiaan VenterLibrettist: Norman YeungCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description CreaturehighD4-B5A sickly, hideous figure who looks long deadSonmiddleF#3-G#4A sonFathermiddle-lowG2-F4His old father Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning:
A nighttime confrontation between a mother and son. The son accuses her of having an affair with his uncle, and killing his father. He’s found a doctor in Chinatown who will be able to prove his father was poisoned. The mother claims she did it to end his pain.
OVERVIEW Title: AshesComposer: Iman HabibiLibrettist: Charles HayterCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Adelemiddle-highG3-F#5A widowTheomiddle-lowAb2-Gb4Adele's son Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content warning: murder Nighttime on a dock on a