OVERVIEW Title: YESComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Sheldon RosenCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 5Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Markmiddle-lowE3-F4A divorced fatherMaryannemiddle-highA3-G5A proud mother, Mark's friendBobmiddle-lowD3-E4Mark's friendKennymiddleF3-A4Dating Mark's ex-girlfriend Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Mark stands
OVERVIEW Title: The Last LullabyComposer: Jana SkareckyLibrettist: Anusree RoyCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 6Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Young womanhighD4-A5A young mother with her babyOfficermiddle-lowD3-Eb4A military officer Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS Content
The combined spirits of Qu Yuan and Father return and ask the audience to release them from their servitude. That freedom granted, they ascend into the heavens triumphantly.
Xiao Lian performs the Qingming ceremony to honour the spirit of her departed father and mother. Love and fellowship combine in the running of a dragon boat race. Xiao Lian joins her friends and crosses into her future.
All hope is lost as the villagers return and collect Qu Yuan’s possessions. They take the scrolls containing his famous poetry to the Daoist temple, where they will be preserved forever. Xiao Lian returns to the present at the bedside of her dying father. With his encouragement and love, she
A young Chinese/Canadian woman (Xiao Lian) faces a difficult choice: Honour her family’s traditional past or embrace a more modern future. Her father dwells on the memory of his deceased wife and honours her by performing the Qingming funeral tradition. Meanwhile, Xiao Lian’s two friends want her to get out
Xiao Lian’s father bitterly reveals that he will die soon. Xiao Lian’s mother appears in spirit form and asks her to forgive her father. She speaks of their happiness together as a family in earlier times. As a child, Xiao Lian had a close connection with the Dragon Boat Festival,
OVERVIEW Title: The Waterfall (LIBLAB)Composer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: Maja ArdalCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Womanmiddle-highA3-Ab5A woman fleeing pursuers with her husband and babyMan/Waterfallmiddle-lowAb2-Eb4The woman's husbandWaterfallhighC4-Eb5The voice of a waterfallWaterfallmiddleE3-Eb4The voice of a waterfall Please Note: The table above has content that
CAST: PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia KatzCAST: Suzanne Taffot | PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia KatzCAST: Jorell WIlliams | PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia Katz View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: Of the SeaComposer: Ian CussonLibrettist: Kanika AmbroseCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera and Obsidian TheatreLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry Opera and Obsidian TheatreRun Time: 90Roles: Role
Chloe and Eddie are in the throes of love when they’re interrupted by Matt, Chloe’s athlete ex-husband. Matt asks where their daughter Ava is, and criticizes Chloe for abandoning Ava for a man.
OVERVIEW Title: Where is AvaComposer: Ivan BarbotinLibrettist: Katherine KollerCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description EddiemiddleE3-G4A man, in love with ChloeMattmiddle-lowF2-D4Chloe's athlete ex-husbandChloemiddle-highB3-G5A woman, in love with Eddie Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano
Raoul the mailman is in love with Allegra. He arrives at her house and they flirt, but are interrupted by Allegra’s father. Raoul vows that he will win over Allegra by disgusing himself as a wealthy merchant named Hernando.
OVERVIEW Title: The ShadowComposer: Omar DanielLibrettist: Alex Poch-GoldinCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 90Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description AllegrahighA#3-Bb5An unmarried rich girl, controlled by her father and yearning for love. 18 years old.Don PaulolowG2-D4A mafia Don, wealthy and powerful. 45-60 years old.WaitermiddleC#3-D5Proud and efficient. 25-40 years
Thomas has brought Lise to become Hope’s tutor, but Hope has grown up and wants to leave the house. Lise warns her not to give her love away to just anyone.
OVERVIEW Title: ShelterComposer: Juliet PalmerLibrettist: Julie SalversonCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: English, GermanProducer: Tapestry Opera and Edmonton OperaRun Time: 75Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Lisa Meitnermiddle-highG#-Ab5Nuclear physicistThomasmiddle-lowBb2-E5 (falsetto)FatherClairemiddle-highA3-G5 (extended techniques)MotherHopehighC4-C6 (coloratura)DaughterPilotmiddleD3-B4Air force pilot Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Clarinet in Bb/Bass
Her health fading, Shanawdithit wonders if she’ll be welcomed into the spirit world after so much time with the colonists. Cormack tells her he must leave, and Shanawdithit gives him a sketch of his house to carry with him. He leaves the room to pack. Shanawdithit hears the spirits of
OVERVIEW Title: ShanawdithitComposer: Dean BurryLibrettist: Yvette NolanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera and Opera on the AvalonLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry Opera and Opera on the AvalonRun Time: 80Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Shanawdithitmiddle-highA3-G5Beothuk woman, believed by the colonizers to be the last of her peopleWilliam Cormack middle-lowA2-F4An explorer and anthropologistKwe/Spirit Chorus
OVERVIEW Title: RosaComposer: James RolfeLibrettist: Camyar ChaiCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 12Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description IsabellehighE4-C6A grieving mother, Hector's partnerHectormiddleE3-A4Isabelle's partner Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Clarinet in Bb, Piano, Marimba, Violin, Cello SYNOPSIS
OVERVIEW Title: Pub Operas (The Sloans Project)Composer: Gareth WilliamsLibrettist: David James BrockCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera and NOISE OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SopranohighC4-G5Juke box singer / Future brideMezzo-sopranomiddle-highC#4-G5Bartender / Wife of old manTenormiddleG#3-G#4Stranger in bar / Old manBaritonemiddle-lowD#3-F#4Serial killer / Future groom Please Note: The
OVERVIEW Title: Playing BallComposer: Norbert PalejLibrettist: Marcia JohnsonCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 8Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description TabithahighC4-E5Long-estranged daughter of KenKenmiddleF4-A4Father of Tabitha Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano Video Recording View more videos below
Sofiya and Yuri consult Asa when Oksana has not arrived as her lettered promised. They are interrupted by Pavlo with news that the priest from Italy is on the phone, and wants to talk to Oksana’s parents.
Pavlo reads Oksana’s letter to her parents telling them she’ll be home on November 8, her birthday. They are thrilled, and get carried away planning a party for her.
Father Alexander and Oksana realize they share an attraction for each other, but Oksana is determined to go home and tell her parents what has happened. Konstantin phones the refuge to get Oksana back.
Asa and Sofiya are checking the cards. Pavlo arrives with the news that a priest called from Italy to say that Oksana is alive, but there is no sign of Natalyia.
Sofiya goes to Asa to have her cards read for news of Oksana. The police will not treat Oksana’s disappearance as crime, as she went with the men willingly. The cards say Oksana has been robbed of her soul.
Though others are at first suspicious, Russian Konstantin convinces Ukranian teenagers Nataliya and Oksana to come work for him at a hotel in Romania for the summer.
OVERVIEW Title: TAP:EX MetallurgyComposers: Ivan Barbotin, Jonah Falco, Mike HaliechukLibrettist: David James BrockCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRoles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description ManmiddleRomantically involved with womanWomanmiddle-highRomantically involved with man Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Percussion, Synthesizer, Lead Guitar, Rhythm
M’dea has a breakdown and brings Chase to the fountain at Jason and Dahlia’s, where she sees the ghost of her mother. She is discovered by Jason and Dahlia, and a fight ensues.
The President invites Jason to be his running mate, and begins to remake him. This process sidelines M’dea and Chase. Dahlia and Jason are attracted to one other.
CAST: Peter Barrett, James McLean, Jacqueline Woodley | PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia Katz View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: M’dea UndoneComposer: John HarrisLibrettist: Marjorie ChanCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 64Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description M'deamiddle-highC4-F#5A woman from a land far awayJasonmiddle-lowD3-F#4M'dea's husband, holds
OVERVIEW Title: Little Miss All CanadianComposer: Lembit BeecherLibrettist: Liza BalkanCommissioned By: Tapestry Opera's Composer-Librettist LaboratoryLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 4Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description Eunice RosehighC4-C6A mother of a pageant competitorSamanthamiddle-highC4-D5An audience member Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Piano SYNOPSIS
CAST: Marnie Breckenridge and Matt Haimovitz | PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia KatzCAST: Marnie Breckenridge and Matt Haimovitz | PHOTO CREDIT: Dahlia Katz View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: JacquelineComposer: Luna Pearl WoolfLibrettist: Royce VavrekCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 107Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description JacquelinehighC4-C6A
Manli and Lai Gwan decided to make a life together in Canada. As they collect and bury the bones of Chinese workers they remember all the dead, including Ama and Nichol.
In the explosion rubble, Lai Gwan and Nichol declare their love depsite Ama’s warnings. Nichol dies as the workers rescue Lai Gwan and Manli, who declares his renewed love for his daughter.
As Manli and Lai Gwan argue about their situation, Lai Gwan tells of Ama’s death, which crushes Manli. He decides to set the next explosive charge himself. Nichol and Lai Gwan recognise their love and follow Manli into the tunnel.
The Chinese workers decide to strike, led by Lai Gwan, after another death with no proper funeral. The strike is put down and Nichol stops Lai Gwan from being hung by Manli. She discovers Manli is her father.
While she is bathing in a stream, Nichol disovers Lai Gwan is a woman – she asks for his help to find her father and to keep her secret. Manli interrupts them before Nichol decides what to do.
The Chinese workers are led in and a disguised Lai Gwan challenges Manli the Bookman’s authority. He seeks revenge by assigning Lai Gwan to the most dangerous work in the camp: planting dynamite on the mountain face while suspended in a basket.
Before dying, Ama tells Lai Gwan of her father, gives her a wedding dress, and urges her to go to North America to find her father – but always remember Chinese traditions.
CAST: Zhu Ge Zeng and Chorus | PHOTO CREDIT: Cylla von TiedemanCAST: Zhu Ge Zeng and Zheng Zhou | PHOTO CREDIT: Michael CooperCAST: Zhu Ge Zeng and Grace Chan | PHOTO CREDIT: Cylla von Tiedeman View more photos below - click here OVERVIEW Title: Iron RoadComposer: Ka Nin ChanLibrettist: Mark
OVERVIEW Title: Ice TimeComposer: Ka Nin ChanLibrettist: Mark BrownellCommissioned By: Tapestry OperaLanguage: EnglishProducer: Tapestry OperaRun Time: 18Roles: Role Voice Type Range ? Character Description SkaterhighC#4-A5An ice skaterCoachmiddle-highA3-G5Her coach Please Note: The table above has content that is scrollable left to right.Orchestration: Clarinet in Bb, Percussion, Piano, Violin, Cello SYNOPSIS The scene
Mindy tries to understand if she was raped at the party. She can’t make herself contact anyone, but seeks information online; Cindy slips a morning after pill under the door.
Cindy, Mindy, and Tyler revel in the newfound freedom of university life. Cindy delights in being single, Mindy says goodbye to her parents, and is excited for more privacy and time with Tyler… who is looking forward to playing more Fortnite.